Philips Actinic BL TL-D 18w / 10 secura type UV-A fluorescent lamp color type 10 For use in insect traps, nail studios, photopolymerization and reprographic processes. Actinic TL-D 18w / 10 secura compact size for greater design freedom with optimized performance for attracting most insects. The Philips Actinic BL TL-D 18w / 10 secura lamps offer a more compact solution for electronic insect killer systems. They are also suitable for photopolymerization and reprographic processes.
In the UV-A Philips offers a wide selection of BL TL, BL TLD and BL T5 versions. For added security, there is this special security materials proof "Secura" option that ensures that the glass parts are kept in a special outer cover in the event of accidental breakage. Produces long wave UV-A radiation in the 350-400 nm range. Ratio UV-B / UV-A less than 0.1% (UV-B 280-315 nm)